Andy et Larry Wachowski


L'histoire expliquée :

Chef d'oeuvre ou escroquerie

Explication globale

Détails et subtilités

Structure logique

Mythe - Star Wars - Matrix

Enter the Matrix (le jeu)

Path of Neo (le jeu)

Vaisseaux / équipages

Sens caché et coincidences :


Lieux 1 / 2 / 3 / 4



Divers 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Numérologie / Tarot


Détails innocents 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Les erreurs cinématographiques

"Ne jamais apporter de réponse défintive à une question,
afin d'éviter l'émergencede nouvelles idées superflues,
voir nuisibles à la quête de spiritualité."

BOUDDHA, à propos de l'existance du soi véritable



Webmaster : Xavier Pichaud


Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, Mouse, Tank, Dozer, Switch, Apoc, Cypher, Link, Bane, Soren, Ajax, Ice, Roland, Mauser, Colt, Ballard, Machalie, Niobe, Ghost, Sparks, Kid, Jason Lock, Mifume, Zuka, Hamann, West, Smith, Brown, Jones, Johnson, Jackson, Thompson, Oracle, Seraph, Maitre des clefs, Architecte, Deus ex machina, Mérovingien, Persephone, Abel, Cain, Vlad, Cujo, Rama-Kandra, Kamala, Sati

Vigilant, Logos, Icare, Novalis, Vishnu, Ganesha, Nebuchadnezzar, Gnose, Osiris, Caduceus (Shiva), Brahma, Hammer (Mjolnir), Vector, Binary, Jax, Axel, Tirant, Wurm, Corrupt, AK, Maggie, Thadeus, Jue, Robbie

Mark III no. 11, Mark VI no. 16, Mark XIV No. 62, Mark XIV No. 14, Mark XIII no. 32, Mark XIII : XXIV / 20, DA 203, DE 2852, IS 5416, PS 356, AL887, 70858, CH344, AA034 , CK880, CK239, AO428, BO231, JJ522, CK229, BD224, BE435, CZ768 , CL002, BCO42 , TX729, 73955, 35529, SPB72, AD614, AK966, DM404, AA825

101, 303, Pie, Z10N0101, Long path, GIDIM, OTO, Freightliner, BEE, Big Endians Eggs, metropolitan, 9-18-99, Muza 25 19, Exit

miroir, lunette, City Rail Loop, Simulacra and simulation, Simulacres et simulations, Jean Baudrillard, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, Arthur Schopenhauer, Stray bullets, femme en rouge, Night of the lepus, William F. Claxton, The bride of Dracula, La fiancée de Dracula, AWA, Kym Barrett, Darrow industries, ONE, Eve, satyre

Yin-Yang, Double destiny, Alice au pays des merveilles, Lewis Carroll, Breakfast of champions, Le petit déjeuner des champions, Le magicien d'Oz, Frank Baum, Mr. Wizard, coppertop, Je suis l'Alpha et l'Omega, AirWalk, Captain my captain, Amor fati, To Memory Of Thomas Anderson, Burly man, (312) 555 0690, 555 0156, 555 0161, Guns & Ammo

chateau Haut Brion 1959

Choi's Dujour, Can this man fix, Patch, Save us from us, Mr Reagan, Do not use lift when there is a fire, Have a nice day, Keep clear, No brawling, Drug free / Gun free, Snap on, 55 and stay alive, Dial your future now !, Low clearance, the dull tool

play dirty drink pure, 3809940TAA, 22 July 1998, Thomas A. Anderson, Date of birth : 11 March 1962, Place of birth : Lower downtown, Capital City, FU : USA, Mother : maiden name : Michelle Mc Ganey, Father : name : John Anderson, Marital status : single, creation : Central West Junior High, attented : Owen Paterson High, Morpheus eludes police at Heathrow Airport, Morpheus International Manhunt Underway, Hotel Lafayette, Adams Street Bridge, Harbour Bridge, Franklin et Erie, State et Balbo, Wabash et Lake

Winslow overpass, Betsy Street, Suite 1013 - Amon Baha Consulting, Suite 1012 - Andesite Brokers, Suite 1011 - Amma Eubullus & Cain, Suite 1002 - Barmon and Kuchem, Suite 1008 - Biblicon Incorporated, Suite 1010 - Chebar Brokerage, Suite 1021 - Dalmanutha Attorneys, Suite 1009 - Godhi Traders, Suite 1017 - Haahashtari and Co, Suite 1031 - Jenkli Masida, Suite 1001 - Le Vrai Restaurant, Suite 1004 - Lucifer Securities, Suite 1006 - Matsu, Kaysan, and Jericho, Suite 1016 - Melchezedek Attorneys, Suite 1020 - Nicodemus, Suite 1033 - Onesiphorous and Klein, Suite 1015 - Tammanvask PTY LTD, Suite 1026 - Theravada Aquistions, Suite 1005 - Vajezatha Commodoties, Suite 1022 - Varsity and Mueller PTY LTD, City Power, Chinatown

ZION FOUNDRY, Peslki St, Union side, Taste wheat, Harvest, Bratislav Manukau, Mischka Manukau, Imichanga, Iowa, Rex, Everything your body needs

731222, Impact of emerging telecommunications technologies on law enforcement, January 17 MEMORANDUM FOR THE HONORABLE DICK CHENEY
Secretary of Defense THE HONORABLE WILLIAM P. BARR Attorney General THE HONORABLE ROBERT M. GATES Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT : Legislative Strategy for Digital Telephony (S), Police cops : making you safe from exceptional behavior. MRV episode !!! Unloco, from the lone star state, Kates,, Rick's Cutlery Quality always the best, Institut d'interprétation des rêves Daniel, Agences de voyages Au delà du lointain, National post, Les Licteurs rapportent à Brutus le corps de ses fils, Le serment des Horaces, Entrée d'Alexandre dans Babylone, Réddition de Bréda, Le cortège triomphale de Bacchus et d'Ariane,, Osie's orange, This cage / This prison, Watch TV, EKA / 1-555-MetrEX / Time after time / Metropolitan AK966, Sell street, Roch street, Pagoda street, Msika street, Wo Ping avenue, Fish Fong street, Hag landing, Maja street, Ekas lifesize mannequins, Jorge's bug spray, TTP strengh, Ship it, Consistently if its not dead the first time, kill it again, Sun John, Sock puppets, Really quit good, Saxs Power, Msika crême de pied, 100% all natural Feuuuu, Torg Cube, Fat free

Sam Spade, Philip Marlove, Dinah, Jabberwocky, Gowanus bay, Buttermilk channel, Fresh pond, Middle Village, Clearview Highschool 2201, Overview Cementery, Vox populi, B1-66ER, Albany courthouse, Million machine march, Versatran

01, Zion, temple, city

Cumberland Ave, Heart-o-the-City Motel

AAPT, Latham square building, Autoroute 101, Paterson Pass, WEST 88 NEXT EXIT, Whipple Ave 1/2,Woodside Road 1 1/2, Marsh Road 3 3/4, 101 EAST, MANSBRIDGE OVERPASS 101 BW303, 7th Street Downtown 4 Madison Street 4 1/2 31st Street 7, Paterson Pass East NEXT EXIT , Willow Ave Rodeo 2 MILES, Paterson pass 1/2 Cumberland Ave 3, Silver plaines, Mobil ave, Stellma

Nashville, The Metcentre, hotel Westin, Martin place, Commonwealth Bank, Macquarie Bank, Forty one, Colonial State Bank Centre, MMI MLC National Mutual AON Mulpha Norwich AAP WestpacCitibank Mercantile Mutual KPMG